In co-operation with renowned European aerospace industries, our process proven that molds of nickel, steel, aluminum and high strength steel can be laser cleaned efficiently and without damage to the base material.
Today, the cleanLASER method has been established as the most cost-effective option for aerospace mold cleaning.
Compared to ice pellet blasting for instance, laser cleaning is considerably easier to automate, very quiet and up to 15 times faster.
Moreover, the laser method does this without the need to clean-up process and abrasive residues.
The bottom line, cleanLASER technology significantly reduces the manufacturing production costs of CFRP/GRP components.
- Cleaning rates above 20 m²/h in automated operation
- No damage to sensitive tools
- Residue-free cleaning
- Green technology – no polution
- Operating costs under 30 Euro-Cents per m² (depending on application)
- Versatile laser optics can be used for manual and / or automated cleaning
- Proved successful and used in aerospace applications worldwide